How To Coupon Newbie Video #2

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In this video I go over where to find coupons in magazines, find coupons online and more. First, always check coupon inserts in papers that you get in the mail, etc. A really good way to get a lot of coupons is by buying multiples of the same paper. This way you can have six $1 off coupons on cereal for example ! You can also stock up when the items are at their lowest price. All You Magazine is a great source to find coupons as well as the Sunday paper. You can find tons of printable coupons and coupons online at our website, as well as others. Check at grocery stores for peely coupons too. Another important thing to consider is coupon organization in a coupon binder. I like to organize by coupons by category. Using an envelope is fine if you are just starting out too.


Roberta Botello says:

do your coupons ever fall out?

Ashley Elizabeth says:

sucks alot of stores in ny don't allow certain deals, like those extreme coupon shows

Greg Rorrer says:

Are your coupon matchups good in Virginia? If not how do I find someone who does them for this state?

sootherbs says:

great tips thank you!

skidrowsux1977 says:

I live in DC and the sunday paper has circular inserts but like no coupons therein….WTF?

PW says:

I tried to register for organise in style book…with my personal email id and it says its not valid…can u help…

SuperGirl1970 Carver says:

LaRaza in my neighborhood offers free coupons.

betty waldeck says:

I have no printer so I get mine from the other sorces. still waiting on my binder to come in.

brandond2005 says:

What kind of percentage of your coupons are clipped vs printed?

Life's A Game says:


srvarda says:

u r awesome

SuperManiacBrainiac says:

Do you carry that huge binder into the store with you?

Glamplified Beauty says:

can u use coupons in the dollar stores like family dollar,dollar general,dollar tree etc.

Xyanna777 says:

Love the education on your videos, thank u!!! 🙂

Ivy Lively says:

these are awesome thanks!!

TheGLOSSette says:

we get free newspaper the ones for your city (here in Canada) and they do have flyers in the middle like walmart, local grocery stores etc but never have I seen a thing with just coupons.

Genesis Abalos says:

hi im a 20year and i recently moved out on my own. im new to couponing but i dont know were to buy the news paper of how much it is and the online places.. . please help

Carissa Daughtry says:

LOVE your dividers! Where did you get them?

myhun87 says:

can you use p&g anywhere?? like at target, walmart, grocery store?? I noticed you have a Mac computer some how I can't print anything on my Macbook pro?? is it possible for you to do a video on how we can use Mac computer to print online coupons??

dghrybkf says:

great series. I wish I would of watched this when I first started couponing:)

R. Davis says:

I have no printer.. lol I wish

Just Wright kinky hair says:

I'm glad that you mention that we don't get coupons around the holidays, because i thought i got robbed of mine this labor day. I was gonna call the store and complain. But i later found out nobody got coupons. Double Lol.

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