How to coupon : Where to get coupons : Coupon 101 for beginners 2020

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One of the biggest questions I get is where to get coupons. In this video, I’m sharing were to get coupons, and different types of coupons and stacking coupons. Giving you some resources you can use on your coupon journey.

#couponcousin #coupon101 #couponforbeginners

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How to coupon 101

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Budget Boss Coupons says:

Everything in the video is an example of what you will see when purchasing coupons from a provider

Always do your homework and research what’s best for you.
Social media is a good outlet to use

Lynn Bramlett says:

What coupons can you use in Walmart? Just printables?

isela says:

Budget Boss can you please tell me the following: is it okay or not okay to use for example
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It would all be the same coupon 75 cents off of irish spring
is that safe to do and legal?

ehop15 says:

Honnnnneeeyyyyy, I loves everything about your energy!!! Thank you thank you thank you!! Your such a blessing!!!!!

Debbie Moses1 says:

I will research 🤓

Mahogany 247365 says:

She is too cute

Rita Garcia says:

Thanks so very much for telling us how to coupon and where to go and especially do your research. I agree depending on how many times you shop at a store you get coupons specially geared toward stuff you bought in the past or just more coupons than what other people get. If you ever come to Austin to coupon let me know my coworker and I call ourselves the coupon queens will tag team and hit up the deals. Being nice to the cashiers and managers goes a long way too give them a smile and encourage them with thanks ! 😊

Maria C. Hugg says:

I love the way you and your husband say Scotch/Scotts😃

mymotherhood life says:

Hey shana girl

Amie Dillon says:

What about befrugal they printed too

layykt Nation says:

This a real class… ima attend everyday now🥰🥰

Alicia Poyser says:

10 of each inserts (30) for $15 including P&G? Gurl….. where do you get your inserts from? Because these inserts Shark Vendors be charging $15 for 5 of each inserts. Not including P&G. I get mine locally and they don’t have P&G. Luckily for me I work at a elderly community and they throw them out so I can always get them for free.

Gamer Lily says:

I wonder where the heck these providers get these newspaper coupons from?

Gamer Lily says:

I’m confused okay so if we pay for the newspaper and spend gas to go to the store to buy newspaper should we deduct our expenses from our savings?

Shannon Steadmon says:

Good morning! I love that you're so upbeat! Tbh I fall asleep on some people's videos but you keep me intrigued and excited to learn how to coupon!

redburrell11 says:

Good stuff!

Pauline Johnson says:

I love your intro!

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