How To Create Coupon Codes Within WooCommerce

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In this WooCommerce tutorial, I will teach you how to add coupon codes. Coupon codes are a great way to boost your sales for new and returning visitors. You can create coupon codes with free shipping, discounts in dollars (or a different currency), in percentage, and also set limitations like spending at least $35 for a coupon code to work or create a coupon code for a specific product or category. Or let each user use the coupon only once. Or make the coupon only available for the first 30 people that use it.


Acquire to Inspire says:

Is there a way to create a coupon and only allow customers who create accounts, to use it?

Crypto's Traden & Beleggen ( says:

Interessant video weer bedankt 😎😎😎😎

Fredric Währme says:

Good video as usual, thanks for great work! Do You have any guide for how to sell products with stacked prices? For example, If I sell t-shirts I would like to offer the customer different prices depending on quantity?

Haris Rajput says:

Plz tell me how to find clients

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