How to Create Discount Codes in Shopify

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The Discount code engine is a great tool for rewarding your most loyal shoppers, or boosting traffic on your store! Learn more here about how to create them.


Chorchas68 says:

how can you manipulate the shipping for free plus shipping discount?

MistaNickG says:

follow me on twitter , @itsnickk_g , I have questions and money in my pocket for invesment

derek morin says:

Pretty simple and straightforward! Nice how-to video guys! You should have a look on how to automate the application of this discount, thanks to an app I create called Automatic Discount: All infos are there:

Greg Freeman says:

Super helpful. Thanks guys & girls! 🙂

Michael Woelk says:

For "How many times can this discount be used" is that how many times total or how many times per user?

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