How to Create WooCommerce Coupons (And Make Them Effective!)

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In today’s video, we’re going to learn how to create WooCommerce coupons and make them effective.

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Samuel Limawan says:

Do you have an example regarding with limit usage for x items? Thanks.

Bob Rabner says:

FYI all. the coupon flyout tab is no longer under the Woo commerce heading on the dashboard, it is now under Marketing

africool says:

Great and quick explanation for creating my first discount code. Thanks!

Nathan KG says:

Hi great video. Is there a way to add a list of product ids for the products that the coupon applies to?

Takura MS says:

Great stuff and insight!!!

Sumit Bhasin says:

I don't have a COUPON tab. Do I have to install a coupon plugin?

Kix Travel School 101 says:

Right to the point. Beat the long-winded blog posts on the same topic. Thanks!

John Almighty says:

Not applicable *

John Almighty says:

It doesn’t work

Umar Ahsan says:

best explanation in short time. Great

Maksym Davydchuk says:

Where is Divi Theme Builder?

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