How To Distribute Unique Coupon Codes To Generate Leads

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Coupon codes are a great strategy to increase lead generation! It is a great method to boost sales conversion rates and increase customer loyalty. With a huge boost in online sales during the pandemic, 90% of consumers use coupon codes.

If you are looking to grow your social media following and build an email marketing list, coupon codes are a great strategy to use.
How To Distribute Unique Coupon Codes –

0:00 Intro
0:42 Chapters
1:15 Different Types of Coupon Codes
2:15 Why Coupon Codes Are So Effective
3:25 How to Generate Coupon Codes
4:09 How to Distribute Unique Coupon Codes
5:05 Tutorial
8:16 Outro
Useful resources –

List of unique coupon code generators:
Useful tutorials –

How to send custom emails at the end of your interactive funnel:

Send an Automatic Email of Survey Responses:
There are two main types of digital coupon codes: single coupon codes and multiple unique coupon codes.

Single coupon codes are ones that are available to a large group of people and have only one variant. So basically the same coupon code for all your customers.

Multiple unique coupon codes are unique codes that can only be used once. So basically one unique coupon code for each of your customers. This type of coupon code is great if you would like to build an email list and learn about your customers in exchange for a coupon code for their next purchase.

Why are coupon codes effective?
Coupon codes incentivize customers to purchase your product. The customers benefit because they receive the product they want at a lower price and you benefit because your customers are more likely to make a purchase.

Coupon codes also increase the overall shopping experience for a product because consumers love to feel like they received a ‘good deal.’ A study by the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University even found that getting a coupon is actually physically more enjoyable than receiving a gift.

Coupon codes also help track the success of your marketing efforts. You can monitor which platforms are generating the most traffic and leads which can be very helpful for future marketing strategies.

Further benefits include attracting new customers, re-engaging old customers, gaining market share by offering a lower price than your competitors, and personalizing your customers’ shopping experience. Which, by the way, is not surprising because 80% of online shoppers are more likely to buy from a company that offers them a personalized customer experience.

How to generate coupon codes?

Generating coupon codes is easier than it sounds and there are several platforms that can assist you in doing this.

First, there are several ecommerce platforms that allow you to generate coupon codes on their platform already. Some of these include Shopify, WooCommerce and Prestashop however there are several other ecommerce platforms which allow you to do this as well.

Secondly, you can use external resources like Voucherify,, RevLifter, and Uniquodo and many others to generate unique coupon codes for you. I will leave a very useful link in the description below where you can find a list of websites that can generate coupon codes for you.

How to distribute unique coupon codes?

Use to create an engaging online form where you can learn about your customers preferences, collect their email addresses, and distribute your unique coupon code effectively – all with just a few clicks and some dragging and dropping.

Now, when your customers click on your online form, they will receive a unique coupon code in exchange for their email addresses. You can build an email list for your email marketing and your customers receive a coupon code!

#nocode #couponcodes #leadgeneration #involveme #digitalmarketing


BrEacK says:

Is that BlackFriday80 or BlackFriYay80? 🏷

hossam Diab says:

How to display unique WooCommerce coupons in a popup for each vistor's submit ?!

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