How To Get Free Subway

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StrugleMufin174 says:

Nah though 3rd:

Karen mode

CanadianSyrup says:

subway gift card have left the chat

Hassan Sahelizadegan says:

Milad be like :subweh

Don Sullivan says:

The third way is to work there. At my subway you get a free six inch every four hours you work, and 25% off on everything else, and free fountain drinks throughout the day. And if you’re restocking the cookies and one breaks you can’t sell it so you can just put them on a napkin for you and your coworkers to enjoy.

MOHANMMED Hassan says:

You forget 5th way drink invisibily 6900000000

Dawit928 says:

I hate the fact that he hast to say it’s a joke, people are super stupid these days

Wokamapa says:

How to get everything for free in America.

MattRobloxYT says:

I think you cam get a tatoo

Kazuli The Seawing says:

Nah bro I had this happen to me fr when I was working at subway, man asked for a chicken sub and when I went to ring him up he pulled a gun on me

MrBurns says:

I’m assuming the 2nd way is official?

I says:

And get the tattoo😂

Cerrigate says:

Apps are for suckers
Time to rob a subway!
(ps fbi this is a joke)

Prasoon Gupta says:

I'll try the second method lol.

PatTEMPlayz says:

Or get a tattoo

Gdaym8 says:


Mista Keez says:

Lol the second way is to rob it hahahah

Mista Keez says:

Lol the second way is to rob it hahahah

Matt Gunnz says:

Or go in their like the doordash guy

Joshua Metcalfe says:

Or get that big tattoo

Skitzo says:

Gonna go in there smelling like shit, order a sub for us to both realize I have no money and as I take advantage of your kindness I’m gonna pull out my new iPhone and download the subway app and scan my second sandwich and in the system it should say I have two sandwiches 🤔✌️

Bryan Ayala says:

2nd one works order a sandwich just grabbed it and tan it was 2 by.the way Cx

CoachBighead says:

How can you use the app to buy one for free?

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