How to get universal coupons and camp coupons in Warpath game / app

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We made a comprehensive guide that explains all of the ways you can get universal coupons and camp coupons in Warpath. These coupons are what you use to unlock new units that you can use in battle.

For more ways to get universal coupons in Warpath, check out our full guide at:

Coupons are spent at the armament chest store and each coupon gives a chance of giving you a five star unit, but most will give you a three or four star unit.

You can get Universal coupons from VIP chests every single day! At higher levels you get camp coupons instead which are even better.

The alliance store offers camp coupons, but they’re pretty expensive.

Every time you level up your camp rank you get at least on universal coupon, along with some free gold too.

Keep your eye on Warpath events for universal coupons. Often times the universal events in Warpath have coupons as their rewards, so check up on events often.

Finally leveling up your commander level may give you some universal coupons as well.



Spend money wkwkwk

Panda Byrd says:

Damn dude they spend alliance points to put shit in the store your giving ppl bad information there no plus to being leadership just means you do more work to make alliance run

Just Subscribe Already says:

You gotta spend over $100 just to get vip 7

͔ says:

I've hit a wall to the moment in the campaign my troops are lvl50 i think i might have to boost them to 60 but need better tanks they are 5 star it just takes ages lol

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