How To Hack Slot Machines To Payout The Most Money

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Have you seen this? Wins money?… LINK:

I’m told it’s a way to actually win money but I don’t know.

So, if what the slot machine mechanic told me was true, the machines that are the same make and model all have the exact same random number generator in them and playing one has the exact same odds as playing the other.

So why would anyone play the slot that has the least money payout on it? It just makes no sense to me to play for less than the maximum you could win.

When I see someone sitting at a slot machine and the top payout is $22,000 and the exact same machine next to him has a payout of $187,000 I know I’m looking at an imbecile.

But I will tell you guys this… personally I think people that play slot machines are suckers. I have spent YEARS in casinos and in all that time I have NEVER seen anyone hit a big payout on a slot machine.

Think about that. I have seen THOUSANDS of players pulling at the slot handles and I have seen this for a gazillion years without EVER seeing a big payout.

So what do you think your odds are of hitting a big jackpot? You have a better chance of being struck by lightening while being attacked by a shark on dry land, while spotting bigfoot’s ghost flying a UFO through your living room.

But good luck.



DL Vox says:

Slots in general are played by people who don’t obviously care if they lose. The odds are horrible vs. 49% at BJ if you play perfect. I play slots to decompress after BJ with almost no expectations

Zack says:

To be fair, those progressives dont get that big with out the “idiots” paying into them when they are lower. Lol

Andreas Tomas says:

Damn I bet your nightmares are slot machines chasing you around going ding ding ding 😂

Zayyy95 says:

Stop callin me names fat boy

Mario Dascenzo says:

Do you state how to hack a machine you just give common knowledge you’re the idiot for putting the title wrong

Ryan Ardito says:

This guy doesn’t realize the payouts change when you change your unit and bet size 😂

Ravan Jimmy says:

Talk as if you ever won huge in a casino, stop saying harsh things and show action

Ravan Jimmy says:

action speaks louder than words……stop talking a fat lot and show videos of you playing the way you say that one can win.

snowmiser18 says:

He's an idiot, but he gets views

Bryan Cruse says:

There's no such thing as a random number generator if you build it it's not random you put the numbers in it Southern you control the payout how much

Jesse James says:

Honestly your the idiot. You might be right. But where you see "idiots" choseing the machine for all the reason you said I'm sitting back thinking your an idiot because you don't seem to understand there are many reasons some one might chose a machine and one of the most simple is well the other seat is full? Now if the other seat was full and we see the same thing then I might be more apt to somewhat listen to you.. but another simple thing is some people go hear for fun and just want to chill play and have a chance to win and not picky or trying to read into everything. And one more thing I'm no expert but if they happen to have the same payout % and the value is way higher I'd sat you have a lower chance of getting a good payout on the larger payout machine. Nit talking the jackpot just winning something worth putting away. Because where and if that payout percentage is very close or the same. My guess is with the higher paying jackpot mean most of that percentage is based on that huge jackpot and again I'm no expert but I'd say that lowers your chances of getting some of the good payout and your probably gonna lose faster so you better bring plenty of money to see that jackpot… again no expert in fact I have never gone. Just using my logic of numbers in other forms and it's my uneducated but I'd say we'll thought guess. But I could be completely wrong because again I don't play them. The first part of this comment was what I commented for.. the last is to try an make sense or why they are even different jackpots in the same machines to begin with. But not a fan of your style video either your attitude is trash and if you where trying to be funny please work on that. No like no subscribe and I'll never click on a video I see your face in again.. even if your right. Not that your comments where that bad… just crap really. Have a good one.

Jhi-fly 4 A Whiteguy says:

"sheople"? This guy's a goose

Jenny clark says:

I think that the one with the lowest jackpot probably pays out a lot more small wins. The bigger the jackpot the fewer small wins. And what are your chances of hitting the big one? Very small.

daniel valadez says:

So what you have pay in top pay out

Noel Foley says:

Hey, here's a thought: Maybe those two "imbeciles" are playing at the lower payout slots because the one in the middle is OCCUPIED!!! And they're the imbeciles? Jesus H. Christ.

Donna Smith says:

Why r u calling people idiots? People just don’t know doesn’t make them a idiot.. I assume u like putting people down..

Salvador Dubon says:

Sheeple,for even waisting time to see some bald guy in glasses talk crap , never won a dime and doesn't have a clue,trailor trash!!!

Salvador Dubon says:

Waist of time

Salvador Dubon says:

This guys a dork, who don't know shit,

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