HOW TO Organize Coupons: 3 easy ways

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In this quick video, I show you 3 different ways you can easily store, organize and sort your coupons! Organization is key in couponing!

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Instagram: @DaraLovesCoupons

Twitter: @DaraLovesCoupon

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sonia sagastume says:

Thanks for sending me the link to this video! I'm definitely going to do all three methods that you did. I love organizing, I just haven't had the time lately to do so. My coupons usually expire or the deals end before I can do them. So I need to get on board with your system of organization. I can see this working perfectly for me saving me a lot of time clipping coupons like you mentioned in your video. Thanks again. Take care!

lilmama says:

Tfs!!! Where do you send your expired coupons? And do you have a coupon data base? If not which ones do you use? Can you do a vid from start to finish on what you do to prepare for your shopping trip once you receive your weekly coupons? Thanks!!!!

couponingdaisy says:

Love your video's! I'm just doing research to get started with couponing. 
I'm wondering what is a good price for the Sunday paper when you get a subscription?

Sharon Lopez says:

Great video. Love how you keep your coupons organized. I am not so organized.

dvoted4life says:

awesome t4s

Ana v says:

Thumbs up!!TFS!!

Kimberly Hart says:

Can you give a suggestion on how you purge your binder when filing new coupons, ect? Do you put them in the categories by exp date? Just looking for time saving tips 🙂

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