How To Save $10,000+ #savemoney #savings #finance

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d smith says:

Deploy your money to work for you and make more money. No one ever became wealthy by saving all their money

Marco Morales says:

Ill have 30k in no time but I'll be walking and sleeping at work and possibly in jail since I definitely won't be making My Child support payments 💯💯💯

Satori986 says:

It’s called a bank


from asiam for tiktok got me rollin

griffin gibson says:

I spent all my ones and saved the rest

Vincent Ramirez says:

I would be careful losing that wallet. If someone “accidentally” bumps you, you could be out some cash.

Motivate&Action says:

I would put that 5k straight to cypto

Andre Amos says:

I did that in 1988 in 1997 house got robbed. Everything is gone money, jewelry coins if I see you on what I do my dreams gone.

Alexa Arrah says:

When i put money away in my house i forget about it so i don't spend it

the one says:

Every week I throw 6% into my Ira(company matches) been putting $121 of my money and $121 of my companies money away every week for 10 years now(it’s went up little by little every year with raises till I hit max 7 years ago)
The ira I have through fidelity is up 136%(vangaurd)!! Do the math and see if you guys can catch up (I’m only 33) my money will continue to grow and hopefully in about 25 more years I can call it quits and live nicely

Liana Longe🏝 says:

Why not save it in a bank via HYSA? Saving it in a wallet, envelope, paper bag isn’t making money with money.

It’s Me says:

You should retitle this: “how to lose $4k/year from inflation”.

Eimantas314 - Roblox & More! says:

*money gets folded*
Bill checkers: 👁👄👁

Cuzo Stacks says:

Me: I'm gonna save my money

Bills: What money

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