How to Shop Online for 99% Discount deals

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How to participate in online auction for having discounts upto 99%.
Understand How to participate in Dealite auctions and get up to 99% off on hottest gadgets.
Exclusive Auctions for Unbeatable Deals!


Dealite .in says:

How to shop online for 99% discount deals at

Dealite .in says:

Hi Isha, If you don't win the auction you are participating in then we offer a Buy it Now option in which you can buy the product at Dealite price which discounts your free bids and the paid bids,if any used in the particular auction. I would request you to read our FAQ's for more details.


if i dont win the auction, will my amount will be there in account or i will loose that money.

Dealite .in says:

Hi Dinesh,
We are a genuine website hosting branded products for our consumers. Do feel free to call us at our numbers available on our website.

Dealite .in says:

Hi Dinesh, Thank you for your concern. We would like to clarify that we as an auction based platform provide unique value to the consumers to buy branded products upto 95% discount. Regarding your concern on 100% money back, we definitely give it against the buy it now option which is offered after the end of the auction. Feel free to call us in case you have any further doubts.

Dinesh Soni says:

It appears more like spam offers…

Dinesh Soni says:

You mention 100% money back in your mailers but here you say you provide an option of "Buy it now"… Don't you think you are misleading the consumer and thereby incurring a fraud claim?

Dealite .in says:

Dealite provides an option to every participant other than the winner for Buy It Now at a discount covering 100% of the seat cost and paid bids.

Sudhar M S says:

wat happens to d people wu lost d bid??? wat abt d money of thiers???

Jerry C says:

is this for real?? or another one of those spam offers ??!

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