How to Use Walmarts “All You” Coupons

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Click my link for more money saving tips This video will show you the basic features of the Walmart produced magazine “All You”. . It’s packed with coupons that are not part of any online database. You can team up with other offers and maixmize your savings. The magazine actually very good reading material as well. Money saving tips, easy to follow recipes with easy to find ingredients. Practical everyday advice for working parents. It costs 2.42 in the South and its worth the investment 😉


Virginia Alexander says:

Is the Allyou magazine is only at Walmart.

DarkRumAndCoke 12 says:

Damn you look good IG??

William Wynn says:

Most of the time on Public's when they have buy one get one free. It's not that great of a deal. Like hot dogs, regular price at Quality foods might be $3.25. On sale might be $2.75. give or take a little. What Public's does is the buy one get one free. But they charge $4.50. give or take a little. So yea your saving some but after you figure it up, not as much as you first thought. 

Jason R says:

Silly question, new to the world of "couponing", such as it is~ I was wondering~ Walmart puts out the "All You" Magazine~  You can use those coupons in any store? I'm sure some (I'm assuming) would be exclusive to walmart, but I wonder did I get the jist right that you can use them in other stores as well?

123cnt says:

Thank you so much! You really did explain it, using the examples, better than anyone I've seen so far! 🙂 Awesome!

Maverik says:

wow nice looking black girl

Pemba Tsering says:

The time of the year has come when its shopping time and this is the time when everyone looks for a coupon from stores like walmart. But i prefer it online.

marcus8902 says:

need you as a room mate you can save us so much money

warriorcycles says:

ps youre a goodlookin niger thanks coupon cocksucker

warriorcycles says:

its all you niger

Kim J Crawford says:

I absolutely love All You magazine. It is well worth the money. It always more than pays for itself.

B Lares says:

@jenn8504 tinyurl(dot)com/CouponX

The Coupon Project says:

AllYou is owned by Time, Inc. not Walmart. You can also buy it online. 😉

SamytheGreek says:

I regret that I only have two thumbs up to offer, btw you are gorgeous.

TheWaterman1000 says:

Dam, didn't know about the mag. I used to coupon years ago. Made out like a bandit at safeway when they opened with the cash back coupons (this was years ago).Now back into it. Hate to take the g/f to the store, no idea about saving money, just la la la down the ile's tossing stuff into the basket…

me myself and I says:

Think you girl

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