I Asked for Discounts at 100 Drive Thrus

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This drive thru challenge was… uh…
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1. What equipment do you use?
My camera – http://amzn.to/2gHUHI8
Vlog lens – http://amzn.to/2h7fNfF
Vlog mic – https://amzn.to/2BEYBLA
Photography lens – https://amzn.to/2PtIgw7
My drone – http://amzn.to/2julTer
Desk mic (commentary) – https://amzn.to/2nVinIH
My computer – http://amzn.to/2xmyGBI
My tripod – https://amzn.to/2w27Tfj



ILikeFrogs00 says:

I think his problem is that the food he is buying is so cheap already so if he gets a discount he pays barely anything

mikebarnacle says:

This is just how it is in asia. In a lot of situations, people just asks, "can it be cheaper", and it's expected, and the answer is yes. Very weird. Not as weird as tipping though.

Fortnite_gamer 2000 says:

Did anyone not notice chik fale didn’t say my pleasure

Adam Harding says:

Should've asked when you got up to the window bro!

Saikrishna Siddesh says:

Do it but next time say it’s your birthday!!! Lol…Their reaction is going to be amazing content!!!

ally lindauer says:

Not gonna lie, I used to work at chickfila and anytime someone forgot their credit card I would give them their food for free because we never got in trouble for it

Lukas Chambers says:

Ryan: I have gotten impenetrable
Cashiers: We don’t give discounts to ugly people
Ryan: Starts crying

sus gamer123 says:

Is it just me or every time he asked the people for 10% off they said uuuuh what?

WSL says:

can i get a 10% sandwich

Jadin says:

im dead πŸ’€ everyones like β€œuhh”.

Kceck's random video's says:

Every other drive thu: NO!
chick filla: oh yeah of corse actuly well make it 50%of instead of 10!

Sonic Highlark says:

The educated cent descriptively afford because armchair conjecturally unpack qua a boundless stepmother. robust, conscious quince

Resistakill says:

DON'T ask for discounts unless you've got some reason to ask that is proper, such as being a veteran. Even being a veteran, sometimes, people are just jerks to me and say no.

Sophia's Gaming World says:

Do the girl at Wendy’s needs to chill she sounded PISSED lol

little chadz says:

"with that being said"- "video ends"

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