KFC get yo Free Chicken on

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KFC coupon for free chicken dance. Too bad you can’t get your free chicken on since they removed the coupon from online


유튜브 YouTube says:

The moment you guys are finding

Angel Mercado says:

yo, comment from 2015 bishes.

ok, maybe I wanted some attention, sue me.

WeTheTech says:

sorry msg does not kill

Chompsky Homp says:

Holy shit. Fucking gold.

Sacred Society says:

Dancing around with dead animal parts…WONDERFUL :/

Maggie Silverston says:

7 people don't got their free chicken on

Maggie Silverston says:

When in doubt,dance out – with chicken!

kurtkestell says:

lol at 00:42

29chrispy says:

0:25 what happens to your brain after 6 months at KFC

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