Labour Vouchers Explained

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Xexizy says:

Been getting a lot of questions about 'who would distribute and determine labour voucher worth' or whatever, guess I should had put that in the video so mb.

The worth of any proceed of labour is not 'determined' but rather calculated for it's objective value. This is based on the labour time that has gone into it. Socially necessary labour times (the average time taken for society to produce something) are compared, like in the example with chairs and tables, to determine the ratio at which you can exchange your produce for other goods.

These calculations are not done by a 'state' as such, as socialism is a stateless society in the Marxist sense (as it has no class), but rather a body of sorts, essentially the remnants of central planning from the transitional phase towards Socialism. This body, like the central planing, is under strict democratic control from society.

Hopefully that helps to shed some light on things.

graham rennie says:

Labour vouchers seem an inflexible and very poor substitute for money and the deductions you speak of pretty much resemble our current tax system, leaving things in a very rigid and stilted state where there would be very little incentive to innovate for the progression of society as a whole,
The problem with the concept of a utopian society is that everyone's idea of such varies greatly, so who's right?
This sounds very much like a hindrance to personal freedom and if you look at things through the perspective of including the worst elements of human nature, it is no surprise that any far left economic/ societal model has failed humankind time and again in any real sense.

Shada says:

>implying I have Right Wing friends

They don't like me on the Right for some reason

Shada says:

Okay, but what happens when with increasing automation we don't have enough labour to go around so everyone can get the vouchers they need/want? Or at that point would it just be a "Anything you want within reason" system?

Bogdan Vera says:

How can we make sure socialism can still support non-essential stuff like the arts or music/etc? Could that also be rewarded with labour vouchers, and how can we be sure it's a fair remuneration?

Free Live Free says:

Dude, they're just bonuses -in capitalism speak

Ramon Delp says:

sooo… How is it different then money? the only difference i found in this video is that labour vouches get destroyed once they are used. so it's like money that is only traded between the government? The government gives you labour vouchers for the labour you've done and you use that to buy goods and luxuries and so on from the government?

Zoey says:

So, from what I can gather from this video, the amount of labour vouchers you receive is dependent on how much you produce. But does the distribution of labour voucher account for things like ability? For example, if two chair makers made the same number of chairs in the same amount of time, but one had a broken leg, then would they still get the same number of labour vouchers? If so, then isn't that unfair? If not, then how would you determine how much they both get; if the man with the broken leg's leg eventually heals, but still leaves him with a slight disadvantage to the other man, is it fair that they are given the same amount of labour vouchers? If not, how do draw the line between physically hindered and not working hard. Have I missed something?
Btw I love your vids I'm just confused about this one thing

Xtreme Logic says:

Won't work. Stupid. Illogical. Use bitcoin instead.

Chuckles The Echidna says:

It's not money but it's money

calamari hentai says:

I'm confused, artists [fine arts, sculptors, etc.] work's worth is relative since the actual price of the piece is given to the highest bidder, often well above the materials cost; so in a communist utopia, how would one be able to quantify the equivalent of a piece of art to labour vouchers? Would there be bids similar to what we have today?

Dythias Maximus says:

What happens when everything is eventually automated? How will people get labor vouchers then?

Roger Gibson says:

id be his dirty little capitalist pig and he could beat me up in the name of Marx and force me on my knees and stick his… okay I'll stop, but damn he turns me on with his ideas hahahaaa lmmfao

Derek says:

The best practical discussions on labor vouchers I have found to come from Josiah Warren. The most successful experiment in socialism I can point to took place in Long Island in the city of Modern Times in 1850 which lasted for 18 years. Experimental communities in the US were being established using labor vouchers before Karl Marx was even 10 years old. Socialism really is as American as apple pie.

Aussiedwarf says:

I think I understand this less now.

John's Dongle says:

You literally just described money, wages and taxes.

Comrade Dimitri says:

Eyy mate great video

L'Etre Supreme says:

I think you described the way labour vouchers go away in a to utopian. I thought what happened is that over time more is transferred from the labour voucher into the communal fund (basically the taxes increase) to the point where while less goods are but more is communally owned until the labour voucher becomes completely useless and withers away

rollopoloboy says:

On what basis is the value of the labor vouchers decided?

Faggot says:

Labour vouchers are utopic
We should just suck each others dicks in exchange for goods and products

K ris says:

-Just bought a new, better microphone
-Just got back from holiday

Boy, capitalism sucks, ha

Shawn McLaughlin says:

Thank you for the explanation. I too was on the "well how's that different from money?" boat.

nicholas daley says:

An intermediate step with a lot of dead people.

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