Love Coupon

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Sometimes, us ladies regret the things we offer.

written by: Angela Trimbur
starring: Angela Trimbur, David Harris, Andie Bolt
directed by Jeff Seibenick


Frank Delgrosso says:

Damn that firewomen did not have her back. But fair is fair don't write a check our not willing to see cashed.

Mikkel Rasmussen says:

What is the name of the first song? Can´t seem to find it anywhere.. :))

Bernie Sanders says:

I miss her I wish she posted more often

Dusan Duka Dimitrijevic says:


Brandon Gordon says:

That Firefighter is my nigga. She gets a massive W


The Clarences love Angela & the "Love Coupon"!

Shark Attack says:

Hot looking girl, great body and very talented.

Colt Lavespere says:

Dat firegirl rocks wish she was my friend

alifunkster says:

0:42 every time

Omar Vasquez says:

this was hilarious. now im pissed i didnt watch her vids back when the ERB vid first came out lol

bengrimm321 says:

Ahaaa, the dude in this video was my improv instructor. He's the best.

saltyninja says:

The firewoman at the end was hilarious.

stickgore says:

All I can think about is the glitter from the card getting on the food

Nolan Haryanto says:

nggak nyenengin

freakVchannel says:

that fireman lady is a real bro. 

Uncl Dolan says:

I'd be getting her to dress up as Cleopatra 

TheTopHatManiac says:

Why did she stop?

Roger Lawrence says:

You and Sarah Greyson should do a collaboration. 🙂

Meta E. says:

Truly hilarious end.

Lieutenant Bobby says:

Im going to be honest here but i found her channel today after watching Epic Rap Battles Of History. Cleopatra vs.  Marilyn Monroe. XD

Moses b says:

Is it just me or does she have a Anna Kendrick sort of look?

CookWithNick says:

The firefighter, Andie Bolt, stole the show imo.

Wolf Hicks says:

Hahahahaha your the best

Psyberologist says:

I laughed so hard, so funny!

Rene Eduardo Dominguez Calderon says:

Porque tanto miedo…..

True Come back says:

that's why cats stay in the trees xD Good job

rollinnodaytons says:

What excellent emergency services they have there 😉

Follow_My_Lead says:

Oh my God this was funny hahahaha the woman firefighter said don't worry I got your back lol.

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