Make Money With Niche Sites and Coupon Codes

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Mehdi Momo says:

I started a coupon website for a specific niche and I am kind of confused when it comes to indexing.

Basically, I have many type of products and many stores (Amazon, Gearbest, along with some others) and I made two types of categories, one of product types and one for stores but that means that a post (coupon) is on two categories and hence I don't know which one should I no index to avoid duplicate content. Any idea?

Greg Preece - Start Starting Up says:

Thanks for the tips Warren!

Shantanu Varun says:

4. How do you check the keyword competiveness of a keyword? I mean how many refering domains tf cf da pa etc? Thank you so much! you are very helpful person. I can see that from your replyies to other people questions. You are officially my favroute youtuber!

Shantanu Varun says:

I have some questions

1. Do you recommend scholarship link building for amazon affiliate sites
2. People always reccomend niching it down to specific product or category but i see general site who review each and every product ranking well and making quite alot of money. What are your thoughts
3. Any pbn seller do you reccomend

Thank you so much ! i am huge fan !

Shantanu Varun says:

Can you use pbn

Affiliate Marketing Ninjas says:

Update I have just published a case study blog post on my site about this

Jon Snow says:

Amazing tips! How did you create that coupon code page? Did you use any plugins? Thanks!

Z Ron says:

Fantastic idea. Would it work as effective if you use the coupon to get the visitor to sign up to your email list there on the site itself or is there a benefit to linking to another site? Getting started with my first site this week!

Craig Carda says:

Great point again and seriously thank you. I stopped doing backlinks because content is king i just repeatedly searched who and what was in the 1 spot and wrote a good piece. Also these guys have helped me alot!

zuky786 says:

How long did it take from building your backlinks to ranking?

Craig Carda says:

Amazing! I have been doing quite abiit of affiliate marketing with some similar strategy without coupon. But can't seem to get ranking for seo etc. So far i made 94 dollars in a month. Love the coupon idea.

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