Minute Hacks: Top Discount Sites For Students

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Full post: http://www.hackcollege.com/blog/videos/minute-hacks-top-sites-for-student-discounts

While perpetually being broke and in-debt seems to come hand-in-hand with realizing the dream of higher education — it doesn’t mean all nice things are off limits. In fact, some of the best brands out there offer discounts and deals just for students.

When it comes to the tight budget of a college student — prioritization is key, which means don’t skip out on nice things, get a deal on them instead. Here are the top 5 sites for students hunting for a bargain.


jbritto says:

Softwares most people get it for free ..lol women i tell ya

PunkiePiee says:

1. piratebay
2. utorrent
3. download
100% off for everyone

Gvidas Dijokas says:

Shes awsome

Edward Estrada says:

Cool hacks, I'd like to know how you did that shaking text that was coordinated with the shaking of her head. Looks really elegant and nice without losing simplicity, lol. Good job on these videos. Oh and she looks really nice 😀

Marissa Li says:

forget about windows…… use Ubuntu 😀

desihaxx0r4life says:

Thepiratebay.se nuff said.

Tanasity says:

In my University, Microsoft offers all their products for free to students, even Windows OS. 😀

mimik kexan says:

or download your app/programs like a pirate

Rick Brumfield says:

Oh, Apple "discounts". At least with PC vendors they give a real discount on their already affordable machines. And also check your schools bookstore. I got Adobe CS6 cheaper than even Adobe sells to students. And check to see if your school is part of MS DreamSpark. Even if you're not in the Computer Science dept sometimes you can still access it & get free copied of Win 7 & other MS software.

Rick Brumfield says:

Hopefully she's into bad grammar.

Danny Le says:

Uhhhh… Slickdeals is all I need.

Hyde Zhong says:

God!! I love her.

celonman says:

Your super cute

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