Mobile Coupons and Why businesses need to must them

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Mobile coupons are becoming more common for local business advertising. It allows your business to connect with millions of smartphone users and gain a one-on-one dialogue. With mobile marketing, you can let consumers know about your products and services as you provide discounts through coupons.

What is a Mobile Coupon?
A mobile coupon allows a business to offer special discounts to smartphone users. They usually come in the form of a short text message sent to a list of users and they offer a discount to those receiving the message.
When the consumer arrives at the business and wants to use the coupon, they simply show the message to the person helping them to redeem the coupon.
Businesses can include expiration dates, QR codes, special discount codes for online use and more. Since these coupons are sent through text message, the receiver can save the message and use it at their convenience.
How Your Business can Benefit from Mobile Coupons
The benefits of mobile coupons for the business are very clear. There’s very little cost involved and it’s far less expensive to send out a mass text message with a mobile coupon than printing thousands of coupons and mailing them or printing them with an advertisement.
The cost is only one of the benefits. Mobile coupons achieve a staggering 96% “open and read rate” compared to the under 2% of direct mail and email marketing. Both direct mail marketing and email marketing are far more expensive and with such a low “read rate”, the return on investment is often much higher with mobile coupons.
A new study by Juniper Research predicts that mobile coupon redemption rates will exceed 34 billion by 2016.
Consumers also benefit from receiving mobile coupons. They don’t need to worry about clipping and keeping track of the paper coupon. All the consumer has to do is save the text message, which most phones do automatically and make sure they have their phone with them when they want to redeem the coupon.
Combining Mobile Coupons with Local Marketing
Imagine sending a 10% coupon, through a text message, to one of your customers when they’re just around the corner from your business.
This type of marketing gives local businesses the opportunity to increase revenues, while offering customers discounts and rewards.
Let’s say, you own a restaurant and just prior to lunch time you send your lunch special coupon out to local business employees. They see the coupon and decide to redeem it. Most likely they will bring a coworker. It’s no brainer for increasing your lunch crowd.
A Few Statistics
How about some research result:
路 Deloitte reports that 57% of consumers want to receive coupons on their phone.
路 In 2012, the Mobile Marketing Association conducted a study showing that Mobile coupons get 10 times the redemption rate of traditional coupons.
路 The same study also found that it takes 90 minutes for the average person to respond to an email. It takes 90 seconds for the average person to respond to a text message.
Successful Use of Local Marketing and Coupons
requires a strategy to gain the most out of a mobile marketing campaign.
Creating a successful marketing campaign with mobile coupons requires three specific steps:

1. Developing a Strategy
Before you enter into a test program, you need to clearly define your strategy. Whether you want to build an in-store rewards program allowing current customers to sign up to receive discounts on their phones or you want to target a specific area.

2. Creating an Appealing Offer
Creating the right offer for your mobile marketing will make a large difference in how many customers actually redeem the coupon. Whether you decide to run a buy one, get one free special, offer a percentage discount, or a free trial you need to make sure it offers the consumer real value.

3. Redemption Method
You can choose to require customers to present their phone with a QR code, include a numerical code entered into your system or another type of redemption method. Some businesses simply ask consumers to show the coupon at the time of purchase, but many prefer to add some type of security code to the coupon.
Once you’ve figured out the strategy, the offer and how the receiver will redeem the offer, you want to measure the results. This will help you make adjustments to your next coupon as you test different types of offers.
Using mobile coupons benefits both businesses and consumers. It’s possible to save money and increase revenues by using this advertising method. If you want to connect with your customers and create a one-on-one dialogue, this type of marketing is one of the most innovative ways to get your message in front of your target audience.
For help with mobile marketing click the link below


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