Mr. Show – Coupon: The Movie

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A movie about coupons, basically


Landry Prichard says:

Yeah! And it was a movie!!

Foamh says:

Better call Saul.

im a lil tired of this says:

dead… all dead…

Jando Calrissian says:


Michael Puterbaugh says:

Dead… all dead

Colin Fowler says:

Whoever downvoted this can promptly put their head in a food processor.

Andrew Hess says:

Sounds like it was Paul F Tompkins.

Anonymous says:

I love how they got somebody else to dub Jay Johnston's voice when he says "dead, all dead."

Vasectomy Fail says:

she's so cute!

MrAndyCretin says:

what about scott?

FairsleyDifference says:

I wish I knew the backstory behind Famous Mortimer. He's a prolific bastard.

Evan Roche says:

I cannot help that I am attracted to Mary Lynn Rice-cup.

April B says:

And a young, handsome Jack Black, score!

Damien Fox says:

Wow! that was the greatest movie i have ever been ordered by the Supreme Court to see.

xmachodonkeywrestler says:

I bought one of those shirts in mexico on spring break way back when.
Wish i still had it, its still relevant.

Paul Furr says:

Warm and Mandatory.

ZyxthePest says:


zildjiandrummer1 says:

holy shit jack black is so skinny

SpamNapkin says:

1996 and we were already making fun of "In a world…"

TheSchmidt3000 says:

@3:47 a breaking bad shot with saul!

yung antigone says:

Dead.. all dead..

Cameron Shimmin says:

scott, what about you

jethro smith says:

Is that Gail the Snail at the end? haha

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