My shitty Bealls experience

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I’m so over assholes!! I give up no more makeup stores for this Zombie Baby😠😭😕😒😣


Spirits TKK says:

Hand all your sandal . ZOMBIE BABY F them!,,,I'm piiiiss 2

cameron baker says:

Vita it is Shelby Baker

Shelly S says:

I'm sorry zombie! I hate hearing things like that. but like I said keep your head up. you're gorgeous and unique and most definitely one of a kind and that's why I love you! especially since you don't take shit from no one!!!! keep doing you boo! fuck everyone else😘

leatherandjade says:

And you know what? Had to mention this: for my 16th birthday, my mom took me to New York City for a weekend on the train and everything (it was AMAZEBALLS)… The people at the Plaza Hotel had to know I was this hick kid from the sticks, but treated me like a princess… the people at freaking TIFFANY'S were even better, letting me try on not only diamond jewelry even though they knew I wasn't there to buy but insisting that because it was my birthday that I should try on one of Elizabeth Taylor's OWN NECKLACE!!! It was a lovely lovely experience, and they made my millenium, and it was beautiful!! Companies that act like this Beall's could sure learn a thing or two…

leatherandjade says:

Omg, girl, I'm so sorry you went through that! I have sooooooo been there!! I got shit over my tats and piercings CONSTANTLY in the south. People would go out of their damn way to be rude. These days I put up almost an automatic "wall" when I go in a store – a vibe that says "I treat people well, do the same with me cuz I do not take crap", lol… I seriously think this country needs an overhaul of how it treats it's employees… if we paid appropriate wages, trained well, and treated the worker like humans more, peole would be so much more willing to give their jobs their best. <3 <3 O and happy birthday to your youngun!! You should have your package soon, and there's stuff in there for you and for Madelyn! :)))

moonecury says:

🙁 I know what you mean. I've been followed around shops, to a point where my Mom even gave out to a security guard X'D (shes Italian and is just brilliant X'D) and yeah, it's not right. I hope you are feeling better and talking about it made you feel better 🙂 Just imagine, the sad sort of life she must have to be so judgmental. People like that don't have anything worthwhile. And yes, ahahhaa I have said 'I hate people' tons.

ian poop says:

No its true those make up store chicks are fucking snobby especially when you go to mac. Like dang I know my make up ain't perfect I'm not a damn professional.

Brizabat Sombre says:

Skin is never too light! :p
I really hate that little princess/barbie snobby attitude. When I was 16 working as a salesperson first thing I was told by the manager is to treat every customers the same way even if they look 100% like they live on the street. Why? Because in the past an old gentleman in rags came in and no one was helping him but the manager decided to not judge and be professional… and guess what… he was a freakin rich old man! He bought for thousands of dollars of presents for his nieces etc. It's something I will always remember. He became a regular customer after that.

Service sucks now. Even at the supermarket. Older cashiers are still polite but the young ones barely notice you, talk to each others while serving you, so insulting! And I noticed that everywhere. I blame it on the parents not teaching manners lol.

The Kilted Goth says:

Ok you've had a great vent now get up , brush yourself down and start all over again. . Its not nice and does make you feel that way. But you are Goth and we are kickarse warriors .
Its not the store its an individual, take my word for it she does it to whoever it takes her fancy..
No why does the store have meetings teaching staff who a d who isn't a customer. .
Their business is selling. And people are money and Goths use make up big time.
Shes just a shity person . Turn what people. on do on its head.. We are Goth if people call names great we are doing something right. They ignore us great we are doing it right.. We want to look goth and stand out. All what people do proves we do. And it makes them look stupid.
You want stuff from there keep going make her feel awkward by going..
We are better than that, better than people like that. Sooo you better use the store and any others or I'm over there and kick ya butt lol. Soooo cuppa coffee and back to your chirpy Zombie self 😊😊

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