NO Coupons Needed WALGREENS Deals | Deal Shopping with Collin

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Collin heads to Walgreens this shopping trip to show you how to score 8 deals using NO MANUFACTURER’S COUPONS!! These are super easy deals that everyone can take advantage of. Note that these deals are valid through 10/31. Enjoy!

Check out the link below to all of the deals highlighted in this video:

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Cher Bartlett says:

What do you do with all the stuff you buy? Surely you can't use all of it! lol

msucf2010 says:

That was awesomeπŸ€‘ I just can't manage shopping at Walgreens.

Jordan King says:

I started my couponing at Walgreens everyone says it's confusing but that's how I learned to coupon so ig I never realized how confusing it could be lol. Love the videos. Definitely missed the target one this week.

sdelizabeth says:

I'm so happy its Collin! Yey I prefer just Collin 😜

Liz Haecker says:

What is your location? I'm in Houston and I can't find these deals. Great video's by the way!

LivNtheBESTLife says:

Like ur outfit & your hair looks pretty! Thanks for video

monnita vargas says:

no Target ?omg!

Karen says:

if you know someone who works at Walgreens you can use their card and get 15% off brand name and %20 off store brands

TheLouEffie says:

So great! Is there a limit to how many of the storage bags you can purchase?

Madeline Velasquez says:

You are so awesome how you break it down. Me personally will love more videos. Your guys are the best

Lacey Bell says:

Thank you for doing a store other than Target! Yay! Great video!!!!

Clara Slate says:

Thank you so much!

Martha Alejandra says:

Thankyou . 😬

Kim Higgins says:

thanks so much! love your coupons. I am heading to walgreens today

Melissa Cortez says:

Colin! You have no idea how excited I get when you post a video on deals! I start searching for you every Sunday.

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