Our Trials with Formula || About Similac

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Hey guys!Hope this help any of you formula Mommies and I hope you enjoy this video!

Here are the links for the Similac Advance, Sensetive, and Alimentum:



coyote2040 says:

Useless info..

Happy Blizz Osemwingie says:

I need your help my twin is not adding wight and getting fat which should I start with

jana humblesinger says:

hi i wanna ask wats d color of the poop of ur baby in alimentum?

jana humblesinger says:

hi so what formula did u stay with for fussiness?

Jennifer Garcia says:

I noticed the oily-ness on my sons bottles too! he drinks nutramigen which is basically the same to alimentum! I thought it was just me lol. I guess its something in that milk

Beautywit Lisa says:

im going thru excatly the same thing…tried the sensitive and felt like it made my sons reflux worse…always fussy and seems never full…i have him now on the total comfort purple can and only feed him 3 feedings and i can tell he is more less fussy…and acting more better..great video

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Hippie Baby Momma says:

Interesting!! New sub from me, have enjoyed your videos!! xoxo

MomLife with Twins says:

Im also on SIMILAC! But using the total comfort! not sure about the sensitive if available here! Please also do check out our channel and sub. Lets support each other! Power mommies! Yay! Thanks!

Little Princess Shinta says:

good information thank you for sharing.

Amazing Dealy says:

Nice to know..Definitely sub to your channel maybe you can support me back..

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