Pixel Gun 3d but I got 500 Free Coupons #shorts

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I get 500 free coupons in Pixel Gun 3d from the 5 weapon bar thingy and from finally completing a set.

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More about WGF inc:
WGF inc. is an idiot that is too lazy to type a high effort and detailed description of himself. What? Did you expect a 500-word essay? Oh also WGF inc. stands for Western Gaming Franchise, which is an inside joke so “inside” that all of you reading this won’t get it.


WGF inc. says:

ok now that i think about it it’s technically not “free” but i mean coins are basically worthless so close enouf

Lance Christopher Mambo says:

Is coupons removed i cant find em

WetManok says:

Hol up
Why do you get 200 coupons
But I only get 100 at max

Wild Boy says:

Lmao I was wondering why I logged on the other day and it gave me the skin randomly. Cause I already had it all

xrefluxシ says:

Lit 👍🏻

Luxury Pg3d says:

technically its not free cus you did kinda spend 1.7k coins on the big data but still 500 coupons is pog oh and i got digital sunrise Pogggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

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