PRINTABLE COUPONS RESET ~ Garnier, Covergirl, Huggies & more! ๐Ÿ™Œ

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YES…..just what we needed for these coupons to re-set! Be sure to grab more prints for your deals!!

Printable List of Coupons:

**This video contains affiliate links.


Lauren R says:

Thank you again! You are SOOOOOO helpful!!!!!

Gabby says:

Only lets me print one ๐Ÿ˜” Any idea why?

Washika Ruhani says:

Will we be able to use both the BOGO coupon and the $6 off CoverGirl coupon together? Like for ex, if we buy two CoverGirl products, I can use the BOGO coupon and get one of the items for free and also get $6 off on the item that I have to pay for?

karen jones says:

thank you, luellen! have a wonderful day! ~k

TheGirlygirl76 says:

Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sheila Daves says:

Another great video and thank you. I hope that you have a very blessed and wonderful day

Neida Anderson says:

Thank you โ˜บ๏ธ

Downtown on 7th Avenue Handbag Adventures says:

This is excellent. Thank you for this!

Carrie Jane says:

Thank you!! Hope you have a fantastic day!

Andrea Herron says:

Persil reset!! Woohoo

Heidi Talley says:

Great coupons thanks for the update ๐Ÿ™‚

Maritza Hernandez says:

I am always looking foward to you videos! Thank you for always letting us know!!

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