Publix Grocery Haul || Buy One Get One Free! 5/7/17

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Publix Grocery Haul || Buy One Get One Free! 5/7/17

This week’s Publix Grocery Haul I saved $48.67 this week.

Mentioned in This Video:

Burts Baby Bee Dusting Pow Size 4.5z (pack of 2)
Mrs Meyers Cleaning Products:
Grove Collaborative Cleaning Products: $10 off Your Purchase

Purge & Declutter Series:

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Lesley Oliver says:

Hi my cat is no longer with me but when she was about 16-18 yrs we had the same problem so I used to mix vegemite in a little hot water then pour it over the biscuit about 20 mins before giving it to her, this would make the outside of the biscuit softer but inside still had a bite. I think in USA you may have Marmite or Bovril or Bonox? Otherwise, Perhaps make up a beef stock cube in water? It needs to be something tasty. Good luck with your cat.
Don't knock yourself up over last week, you survived the trials and that's about all you can do. I doubt anyone else would have been any better, cause you know, we all live a perfect life, right! 😉. Instead look at what you did achieve and pat yourself on the back.

Nancy Lee says:

I bought some of the same BOGO items in Publix. I am waiting for the Northland juice to be on sale also. Thanks for sharing your grocery haul.

Hugo's Mom says:

I'm with you I don't trust there baby powder or any of there products anymore.🌷

Linda Smith says:

I've been buying my Walmart things on-line. 2 day delivery and free shipping over $35.00. Saves me lots of time. You may want to try. Have a great day!

aww jeez says:

Nice haul Michelle. We don't have a Publix in my area, so it's fun to see the deals you pick up there!

Willia Goodall says:

What will you do with the Korma Sauce ?

ItsAlwaysSomethingAroundHere says:

Nice haul. Don't be so hard on yourself. Hope things get better for you very soon.

my journey to healthy says:

good haul as always

M K says:

I also have a senior kitty ( 13 yrs old now!) . She really appreciates just a few drops of water on her dry food. I let it sit for a few minutes to soften up before I give it to her. Might be worth a try. 😺

CraftyMom15 says:

Yum you are making me hungry. 🙂 I too need to do better at meal planning. You are doing a good job don't be so hard on yourself 🙂

Amanda Esposito says:

Great haul! The cherry yogurt actually is pretty good, I'm not a cherry fan either but it wasn't bad. Gotta love Publix bogos!

Celtic Lassie says:

I remember when I was younger we used to buy this dry cat food that was soft. I think it might have been Happy Cat. I'm not sure if it's still available though….

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