Ruby Tuesday “HipHop” Commercial

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Lady decides to “freestyle” at salad bar


tickyul says:

Little girl is so embarrassed and horrified by the actions of Wiggermommy.

J Vela says:

Mmmm I'd LuV 2PuT mY mUsHro0m 0n hEr sAlad w/sUm cReAm😋

The reviewing show says:

Love there food but no her rapping reminds me of my mom's horrible singing ._.

January Wynter says:

I love me some Nicole. She's really a sweet person and super funny. Not to mention smoking hot!

Marissa Robles says:

That's my friend Luna

Minelabs says:

She sucks at singing

vinycard says:

I have never set foot in a Ruby Tuesday and with these cringeworthy commercials it's unlikely I ever will.

Feathered Serpent says:

Another case of shameless cultural appropriation by whites.

NocturnalPlur S says:

This lady must be so proud. Loser

Exodriver says:

Little girl's thinking, "What the fuck has my bat shit crazy ass mom been smoking this morning!"

Jose Salmeron says:

If u guys are wondering who's the red head her name is Nicole dersewech.

Mike Secondo says:

trailer trash load

Black Blizzard says:

+Venus Moon my gosh you are fucking annoying. Get the fuck off of YouTube, no one cares about what the fuck you did in your life.

Mike Secondo says:

trailer trash load!!!!!

Jose Fernandez says:

forget about her rapping,I looking at that ass.wowww

3333USA says:

i would toss her salad all night

XTC XCX says:

I wanna smack that ass, then suck on her butt cheeks.

Betapunk Films says:

This is why black people hate us.

Cnote1024 says:

It's the nutshack

Paul 1970 says:

Nice ass, them jeans hug them thighs and legs, man I'd hit it quick!

JdoubleU1222 says:

Stop pushing the false narrative that whites want to be black. It's embarrassing.

King Timmy says:

the beat at the end sounds like the nutshack

Chris Leeman says:

Love this commercial!

Mike Secondo says:

speak English you fat thigh load!!!!!!

Luke Coffman says:

she's hot

Tyler Durden says:


Yonder Media says:

no @grasshopper your wife is thick and I smash her all the time.

DatDudeCorey says:

salad bar mom can get it!

Eric B says:

The most annoying, cringiest commercial ever.

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