Sciplus Discount Code

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Shop for some great bargains at American Science & Surplus here:

At the checkout, use the discount code CRAFTY15 to receive 10% off your order! The code is good until Friday, October 23, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. CST.


dannylions says:

love this video!!!!!

Crafting Vicky says:

really sucks that they don't ship here in Canada…. but great seeing you 🙂

carol m says:

You are such an enabler! Put my order in and can't wait til the goodies get here. Thanks for the code.

Jennifer Horton says:

Thank you for sharing the discount code. I love what you did with the little bottles. Super cute!

Cat Hand says:

Hmmm, might need to get me some tweezers….. Thanks for the discount code!! 😊😊😊

Cassandra Noyes says:

So I loved your ammo bag I had to get one myself for a portable craft purse. And I got some of the Needle Nose bottles. Love it! Thanks for sharing the dicount code!


One gets the impression that you turn into a laboratory technician. LOL

debbieomi says:

Hot damn! I was leaving some things in my cart hoping they would send me a discount code like they did once before so this is right on time! AND, as someone else already commented, it isn't 10%, closer to 25% off total for me!! Thanks!!

Sandi Walters says:

Yay for fine tip applicators!! I will be making an order!!! Thanks! 🙂

Ina Solsbery says:

Thank you Shannon for the tip. I odered a few things and the discount is more like 40 % , so very good deal.

Phoebe says:

Well that's nice of them. 😃👍🏻

teri borchers says:

Shanonnnnnnnn, are you losing weight? You look fantastic!!!

scobbydotwo says:

Thanks for sharing.

Michelle M at LadyBlueStudios says:

got me a couple of goodies. thanks for the heads up on the needle tip dispensers 🙂

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