Shein more Discount trick.

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Who doesn’t love online shopping? I for one would prefer to shop online, specially in times of Sale or even when shopping from another part of the world. I feel like a true pro at getting the best shopping deals around the world and one such I would like to share with you is – How to get 15% more discount than your Shein promo code. If you dont have one or would like to use mine – “sniki20” (current period)

Check out the video and see how from a total of 244 Aed (USD 66.5) using this trick got a whopping discount if Aed 77 (21$).

For more tricks and fashion posts follow me @moipetitefashionista.

*** edit( 4/9/21)
Use “Chand5” and get 15% off
And the paypal and credit card discount has currently moved to 5%
[Note: this is for the MiddleEast region, not sure about others]


DailaY d says:

I try.but doesn't work……spam

moipetitefashionista says:

Hi thank you for your comments. There is a new promo code now since this video is a year older.
You can used “Chand5” and get 15% off at shein.

radqax says:

some of you guys are actually morons, why would a coupon/trick from A YEAR AGO still work ? it’s patched not “fake”. can’t wait till school opens up.

Roison Fox says:

Doesn't work when you show the world the hacks lmfao sadly they caught on and fixed this issue, but if you can try to purchase more then on transaction at a time and discount each, then why not?

jeslin 🤍 says:

It doesn’t work because this video was made over a year ago. And people are commenting less than a year ago that these don’t work. They actually used to work until they expired. Coupons expire.

moyah says:

Don’t waste your time … does not work

BRAZZYY 3ditss says:

😂😂this don't even work

Sara says:

It probably doesn’t work for us because he’s from Dubai so the money is different

Gitsselle Hernandez says:

Doesn’t work

lololol says:

Doesn't work for me :/

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