Should i give formula milk or Breastmilk to my baby?

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The same fundamental economic principle applies even to breastfeeding.

Can you guess what that principle is?

More Demand = More Supply

Yes, you read it right. The more you breastfeed your baby, the more your breast milk will increase.

Did you know that when your baby suckles milk from your breast, the contact and trigger send a message to your brain?

This signal is received by the brand it starts producing the hormones necessary for milk production and squeezes the milk out through the milk ducts.

Hence the statement, the more you breastfeed, the more your breastmilk will increase.

The formula milk is heavier to digest, so your baby will start skipping a couple of feeds.

So automatically, your milk supply will decrease more instead of increasing.

In order to increase your milk supply, you should be breastfeeding more.

If you are facing any discomfort or pain during breastfeeding, it’s time to consult a lactation professional.

If you need any help, DM us, and we will put you in touch with a lactation professional.






@adithya-malu says:

Dexolac's formula doesn't have that strong, artificial smell like some other brands, which I appreciate.

@samdhya-simi says:

Since switching to Dexolac, my baby's eczema has cleared up significantly.

@aksa-vj says:

I love that Dexolac offers stage-based formulas.

@amalapaul2011 says:

Dexolac ensures that my baby gets the right nutrients as she grows.

@veenanandhakumar6192 says:

The transition from breastfeeding to Dexolac was seamless for my baby.

@manjubhadra says:

Thanks To Dexolac for its similarity to breast milk.

@nandhana-balachandran says:

My baby's immune system seems stronger since we started Dexolac.

@femina-george says:

Dexolac's commitment to safety and quality gives me peace of mind as a parent.

@kumari-kj says:

I'm grateful for Dexolac's long shelf life, so I can stock up without worrying about it expiring.

@ankit-aingh says:

After starting Dexolac for my little one I have noted that the fussiness and gas. Has reduced.

@vrindha-vini says:

No more constipation issues since switching to Dexolac.

@manichipp says:

The resealable packaging of Dexolac keeps the formula fresh, which is important for my baby's health.

@ramani-rama says:

I appreciate that Dexolac is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals for my baby's development.

@manju-bhadra says:

I love that Dexolac is easily available at my local grocery store, saving me time and hassle.

@sudhi-s says:

Dexolac's customer service team is responsive and helpful whenever I have questions or concerns.

@Amaalsufiya says:

My baby's growth charts have been steadily climbing since we made the switch to Dexolac.

@Rebecca-ys3cb says:

This is about real beast milk not formula what’s wrong with you women!

@MeeraChopra-qo1ll says:

Since starting Dexolac, my baby's fussiness has decreased significantly.

@NishiNagpal says:

I appreciate that Dexolac is made with high-quality ingredients sourced responsibly.

@ShrutiSingle says:

Dexolac's formula consistency is smooth and creamy, just like breast milk.

@OjasviKhtra says:

My baby's pediatrician recommended Dexolac, and I couldn't be happier with the results.

@Roshni-zd7fw8pm4m says:

The convenient packaging of Dexolac makes it easy to measure and pour, even when we're on the go.

@jullis3eb6d says:

Dexolac's easy-to-digest formula means less spit-up and more happy baby smiles.

@jannyjanny-gp2fz says:

I love that Dexolac is lactose-free.

@nemig-hu9fp says:

The peace of mind I get from using Dexolac is priceless.

@Ritu-ey6wj says:

I know my baby is getting everything he needs to thrive from Dexolac.

@Amitasinha3456 says:

We've tried other formulas, but Dexolac is the only one my baby truly enjoys.

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