Similac Expert Care Alimentum Bargain

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Similac Expert Care Alimentum Bargain, Click here:

Okay… first I will give you my history, my daughter was born at 36 weeks and put on regular Similac Advance, she puked like a marathon puker at the hospital before they put her on the Similac Sensitive (lactose free) that helped. At about 2 weeks, vomitting again, but only about once or twice a day. It was pretty projectile and I worried about the anatomy of her digestive system. After an upper GI we learned that all was well, but that she did have reflux. After the reglan, she was still vomitting pretty agressively so I mentioned the formula. My dr. agreed that trying Alimentum would be a good thing – well, she is now almost 4 months and NO MORE PROJECTILE VOMITTING!!! I am thrilled to not have to worry about that anymore. The formula is stinky, but oh well… my baby is comfy! Recently, my daughter has been getting hungry more often (still drinking 4 – 5 oz every 4 hrs) and the dr suggested I try her on Similac Organic so that she can maybe be full enough to sleep thru the night. I am tempted but oh so scared!!! I know Alimentum is very thin and probably not filling her up, but it does her tummy good! I was very impressed with this product.

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