Soda Removed From IHOP and Applebee’s Kids Menu’s

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Soda has officially been taken off the children’s menus at both Applebee’s and IHOP. Adults can still request the fizzy stuff for youngsters, but it will no longer be advertised as a choice on the kids’ menu. The restaurants join companies like Wendy’s, Panera and Burger King in no longer advertising soda as a choice for kids’ meals. Craig Hoffman, a spokesperson for the parent company to both restaurants, DineEquity, said, “We believe this is a small step in assisting parents while dining out, as parents are in the best position to determine the appropriate food and beverage choices for their children.” Jessica Almy, a CSPI nutrition policy counselor, says, “Soda and other sugar drinks promote diabetes, obesity, tooth decay, and even heart disease, and a kids’ menu is no place for disease-promoting drinks.”

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