Sonic Unleashed – Part 16: Memories of Being a Larva in the Core of the Earth

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A commentary that’s been a long time coming, Fastest Thing Alive joins the BrainScratch crew as we finally take a leisurely lightspeed jog alongside Sonic as he embarks on a World Adventure, occasionally stopping to wait when Sonic inexplicably turns into a werewolf and compulsively beats things up for fifteen minutes at a time.

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U.D Playthroughs. says:

Sonic R found it's way into the stage the melody of JJ day's theme is Back in Time

NinjaSox7 says:

Generations does the ring thing as well.

Tesladyne Industries says:

You do not lose all your rings if you get hit in Sonic Blast, which is a Game Gear game.

Thewaterspirit57 says:

Omg Brazil really did like the Master system!
Sorta the same for the Genesis to.

Thewaterspirit57 says:

I feel like an Unleashed level pack for Generations would've been nice, just a little door you go through and theirs the 8 levels ( not including Rooftop run ) and the Little stage displays. I could imagine Professor Pickle, Chip, and for some reason Werehog Sonic standing in front of some of the stages, and they have no idea where they are. Then after you complete the levels, you unlock the unleashed extra stages DLC, and play that.

But that would also mean Classic sonic versions…. :/

Greninja Storm says:

One of the choices for the first question Brenda asks you in Adabat is "The Pickle Manuscripts". XD This game has acknowledged the true importance of the Professor, lol

Down Hill says:

16:16 those look like the sol orbs from secret rings

Flarestorm says:

1:29 It's kind of funny how one of the options is "a real father" considering what the Sonic Twitter did years later.

Scrapjack says:

Actually, Adabat is the Philippines, not Brazil

K. Alice says:

is this iguaƧu waterfalls?

Mia Ariana says:

I'm sure I might forget the quiz questions.

TeamMachine says:

I love it when Gareth calls out Lewis on his terrible complaining throughout this play through

AEspurr says:

21:24 -_- so a boring character with no sense of vulnerability or being corrupted… lame. I like the idea of Chip protecting Sonic from going crazy better.

Then again…I'm more of a darkness/ night person. lol

AEspurr says:

I think Chip being Light Gaia is a stupid idea. We have Dark Gaia being this huge, imposing monster, and then Chip….who looks like a plush toy. WTF?! It'd be cool if Chip had a Light Gaia form, where he became some sort of light monster….but… oh well

Chris Peterson says:

In case you haven't gotten a Satisfactory answer to what exactly causes Slowdown like this, the simplest answer is the amount of RAM the game has available to it via the Graphics Unit in the 360/Ps3, That "Jungle Tunnel" sequence you referred to has a lot of Foliage in addition to enemies and rings loading in. Every item that loads in has to be processed through the GPU, High amounts of Ram make this an Easy Process because it has the space to handle numerous textures at once no problem, with less Ram than the recommended or minimum however it gets bogged down, the GPU is torn between maintaining a steady FPS and loading all the objects, FPS is technically optional as it's programmed (It isn't really like it just goes "Nah drop a few of these to make space" more like it has it's arms full and can't pick up anymore), that's why it can dip, It's forced via the coding to load the Textures and various entities or objects or whatever they're coded as as well as the texturing for them In addition to the Lighting scheme of the Hedgehog Engine. Since the Coding forces it to load all the textures and objects and Lighting, the GPU is busy doing that as Priority over the Frame rate, and when it gets around to rendering frames out in realtime for you it falls short because it couldn't spare much more Ram, and presumably not a whole hell of a lot of Clock speed leftover to actually render the individual frames because of all the objects onscreen at once.
Like Solkia2010 commented below me says too though, the Hedgehog Engine's Lighting is a big factor for it, it Looks like it uses Global Illumination for various objects, hence why sonic doesn't have a Standard Light-scheme always on him despite being in shadows or anything, in fact the shadows look very dynamic including all the dark areas, the average areas, the bright areas where the water is reflecting light back up onto him and chip, etc. Global Illumination, if I remember correctly, is one of the most System-intensive Processing Effects, if that's definitely what's being used, then it's really not surprising the FPS drops like that.

Phantom Drags says:

The reason Adabat day doesn't lag in generations is,
1. Obviously most gaming pc's are more powerful than a 360 or ps3.
2. The lighting and shadows aren't as demanding.
3. The post processing of unleashed isn't in generations.
4. There isn't as many particle effects when you're running on water.

solidsink says:

My first time on Eggmanland was 32 minutes. Try me, bitch.

DC DungeonMaster says:

The simplest way to describe what's happening with the framerate is that it's the exact opposite of what you guys complained about in part 2; where as opposed to basic designs and textures that are meant to look good in motion, Addabat actually goes all out with detail, looking fucking beautiful, but also taxing the engine as it has to render a shit-ton of fully detailed models, all while you're rolling around at the speed of sound, with places to go, got to follow your Beautiful as hell rainbow. So its like Ryan said, They were too ambitious and like Icarus, fell down to earth at <10 fps

Toxic Atom says:

From what I understand, the lighting engine is to blame for the framerate tanking. there's more than four times as many lighting nodes in that stage than any of the other day stages, most of which are just junk. Cited from the patch notes of the Unleashed Project.

nahnah390 says:

comic sans has made a comeback, since someone managed to make both papyrus AND comic sans appealing again.

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