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lola copacabana says:

Hi, Tepi hopes your do well and thank you for work.Take care of yourself.Have great day, Blessings

Cynthya T says:

Hi- I have a question about CVS crt? I have one crt Pantene for 2 off 2 and another crt for 4 off 12. Can I combine those 2 together and get a cheaper deal? Appreciate your time. Ty!

Norma Vasquez says:

How do we use the manufacturer app. Coupons that started in May .are they app
On and have to be promoted at register by cashiers / do we have to say we have em on our cards. How do we use em .
Do they come off like the Walgreens Clip to card ones

Gabriela Martinez says:

For next week I will be using a $1.50 off colgate total and I will have a $1 overage do I need to get a filler item or with the $1.50 coupon adjust to make the colgate free instead of having overage? Thanks

Aracely Valdez says:

I have a question on cvs ECBs can I use them on a transactions that give ECB's and get the ECBs? Also when doing multiple transactions like the vaseline can I go to different store and do the transactions or does it have to be all in one?

F Mora says:

where can i print out cvs coupons can you please show me . thanks

Anna Munoz says:

I was told at my CVS that you can only use one CVS coupon per transaction You would have to use them in separate transactioins

Yuri Salgado says:

muy buen video

Cristina Gonzalez says:

My store says I can't use both!!! So bummed 🙁.

Ada Campos says:

thanks tepi 😘😘😘😘😘😘

yayiz garcia says:

hola!! eres una excelente maestra pero quiero ser honesta contigo.casi todas las cuponeras y las que estamos empezando . todos conocemos a adela de cupones para comida y siempre esperamos sus videos.pero realmente cada una tiene diferente forma de enseñar y a tí. te admiró mucho.contigo miré primero el video de como imprimir el cupón de esta semana.y ya después lo hizo adela y después otra en otro video.pero tú fuiste la primera que subió el video.por eso digo que también eres excelente maestra y aprendo mucho de tí.y aclaro que no estoy hablando mal de nadie simplemente que estoy reconociendo que tu tambien nos ayudas mucho ,deceo que sigas teniendo mucho éxito en tú canal.para seguir aprendiendo más de tí.!!! Gracias amiga!!!

Diana Rodriguez says:

Tepi so if the cvs St.Ives coupon is one per transaction does that mean we will split the deal into 3 transactions?

Jess Elizondo says:


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