Stay at Home Mom Reveals her baby products stockpile

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Um Isra habibity says:

Since your kids are potty trained can you send me size 5 diapers and wipes 😭

Jazz Phinizee says:

😂😂😂girl send me some lol i just had a newborn

KDR Case says:

Please! Help me!

Elnaz Kalkhoran says:

My baby is do on octobet 3. I dont have anyting i am singal mom 3 boys. And babys is coming on october can u pls help me gate. Some staf

Chelsea Jo says:

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Tse Tse says:

You dont say how did you do it….;(

Shay Vaughn says:

Too bad Johnson and Johnson suck
No wonder it was free

Tiffani Belle says:

I would like to learn how to get some of those products. I am expecting my first baby the end of this year.

melaninjawn says:

K so send me a care package

Queen Duncan Donut Of Scots says:

The company that I work for is going to let me have 12 months pregnancy leave. I'm so happy! My closet is full of baby diapers.

Love my Chi23 says:

You should not use baby powder from Johnson and Johnson. It’s not safe

Kayla Melvin says:

Help me pleeeease!!!

Faith Derek says:

Please research the chemicals in most health and beauty products. ESPECIALLY Johnson and Johnson.They are full of harsh chemicals that are easily absorbed through the skin by babies and young children. Don't poison your kids!

alternativedelusions says:

I need to know more lol

bonitize07 says:

Not helpful

ilykaybaby21 says:

please contact me

Necole Yarde says:

you probably got them for free because Johnson and Johnson products are cancer causing, do your research and see for yourself.

Precious Burnside says:

hi im interested how can i contact you ?

Helen Hines says:

Or you can exchange those conventional items for more natural products. I'm not a big fan of Johnson's. But it is better to have an excess of baby essentials like diapers and wipes than not enough. I hope she donated whatever she didn't use. I can't imagine using up all those bath products unless you're running an orphanage.

Tanusree Mukherjee says:

All of the products will expire before you can use them all. be careful. over stocking is not nice

Diamond Washington says:

I really need help , I'm a single mom of 2 and I am 20 years old

tamiera stinson says:

Please help me I'm a new mom and I'm really trying to get in to the couponing

Eric Arnall says:

About to be a stay at home dad, I appreciate this!

Stephanie Olivares says:

hello, can you please send to me the information to my email

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