Subway Coupons text offers – scam or legit? Reviews from people who constatly get Subway texts!

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This video is about Subway coupons text offers that lots of you get almost every day!
So just because my channel is about different scams and things like that I wanna say that this kind of messages are totally legit, so no worries here!
But also I want to tell you how people feel about those coupons messages! Because they already became kind of a meme!
You know when a person gets a Subway text first thing in the morning instead of a message from a friend or lover it’s kind of sad, but also it’s cheering people up!
Probably some of you have been getting those messages for years! And I’m sure that there are lots of people who get Subway texts but not even use those coupons, am I right?
And this video is just a minute of me speaking in order to you just to think about Subway coupons texts that became part of your life!
And I’d really appreciate it if you share what you feel about those messages in the comments section! W
Thanks for watching, for sharing your thoughts in the comments section and goodbye!


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