SuperSaverTV: Save on School Supplies

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A PTA mom has a new challenge for SuperSaverTV, getting all her children’s school supplies and even some supplies that will help her with all those PTA responsibilities. We rise to the challenge and give tips on how to get incredible savings on school supplies all year!


Dulce Espinal says:

i love you guys

Nancy Davis says:


Psychooo says:

your a wise mom

Karen Suarez says:


owenvideo11 says:

Couponmom, can you please tell me the exact name of the first binder that you showed us, the one that you opened and said it was great for organizing coupons, that binder was awesome! PLEASE tell me, I really want that binder and everytime i search Staples, I can't find it!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Aree Tauvai says:

hi l'm a girl and i have a sister i cost about $280 l'm not kidding

MsCusma says:

Or you could just go to Walmart.

Alicia Lee says:

I live I scotland I'm gong in to primary 7 it's really middle school every where else it's just a different name and I am getting school suplies soon and school clothes too in scotland there's know staples or target or Walmart or a y thing like that so I just go to pound world and Asda and also I go to tesco but even though these shops are cheap the time u get all the suplies and other stuff for school it does cost a lot of money last year I had to spend a lot and all the stuff never even lasted

cathy santana says:

I ALWAYS Go To Staples Always!!

Bill says:

….I need about 36 things for school…. 😛 I usually go to staples and target 🙂

cathy santana says:

I Always Go To Staples For My School Supply Every year!

aglove275 says:

But that's not even half the stuff I need for school.

Ivy Hoffmaster says:

Oh my good thank u know I won't have to go to Walmart and spend 250.43 on school supplies

Mary Jane Bacas says:

Who would need 11 binders and 35 pens?

cece blue says:

how mant binders do u need ?!???!

Fatima says:

how does she do that I'm not finished yet and spent over $70 for me and my 4 brothers we still need more oh god

Rosalie Cullen says:

wow and I am so sub

brittany lockwood says:

look for the boxes of pens that have 36 ($3 and something a box) you can get way more for less

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