Hey Maximizers! Here is my Walgreens Haul from Sept 30th. I enjoyed shopping at Walgreens so much this week. I got so much for such a good price. I was able to get to moneymaker [More]
Latest Videos: WALGREENS IN-STORE COUPONING TONS OF POINTS TO EARN: https://youtu.be/KSN0xK_-GOU Walgreens Freebie!! https://youtu.be/SZiWJ0CNhfY CVS In-store Couponing 5/14-5/20/2017 https://youtu.be/1G3FyW0_WdY CVS Early Activation Haul: https://youtu.be/uqaHE-S6HHM Our segment: http://www.wusa9.com/news/local/sterling/moms-use-coupons-to-help-struggling-families/437414717 Donate to Loudoun Coupon For Hope Tax ID [More]