Access my list of the best Promotion Sites for Books: Plus an easy strategy to promoting your books for free: ==================== Using a Free book promotion sites to get your book out to [More]
This breaks down your Amazon FBA price options regarding your Amazon launch strategy 2023. During or after your Amazon FBA launch strategy you can use 3 Amazon FBA pricing strategies to boost CTR. I hope [More]
Let’s explore a simple four-step process that you can use to craft the best marketing strategy for your new business or product. It’s called The Bullseye Framework and it comes from “Traction” by Gabriel Weinberg [More]
Ready to coupon and create a budget to better manage your money? Join the Money Saving Academy to save up to $300 per month: Use code YOUTUBE to save $10 off your 1st month [More]
In today’s video we’re talking about how to examine your promotional strategy and also the mindset that goes along with it! It’s not always about the upfront sale, sometimes it’s about the 2nd, 3rd and [More]
Think of coupon marketing as printing your own currency and then distributing it to people in your target market. The best way to do this is to design a coupon that looks like a gift [More]
If you want to make money from the web, it’s not as simple as setting up a Shopify store and just generating sales. If it was that easy, no one would be going into an [More]
Restaurant owners: Think offering coupons like a BOGO devalues the quality of your food in customer’s minds? Think again! Here’s why you can’t afford NOT to offer coupons to customers. 👉 Stop stressing about what [More]
Learn more about retail store marketing – Retail Store Marketing Strategy For The New World – 9 Tips 1 – Imagine a world where you must do business without human interaction. You must be [More]
Learn how to consistently increase foot traffic, sales, and customer retention with our social media, digital coupon marketing strategy.