Target coupon haul & a Nabisco sales person offers up COUPO

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Excellent experience at Target


chefgreen2002 says:

@LeeshCoupons Oreos, nutter butter or teddy grahams?

chefgreen2002 says:

@Mrstreasuretroll It really was awesome. There are many great coupon experiences to be had out there.

chefgreen2002 says:

@MysticMoonJewelz I think I will become a vendor stalker now.. Lol I really wish the store employees didn't feel like q's were a hassle. I don't think they realize how much it can help our economy as a whole. Thanks for watching

chefgreen2002 says:

@michellesfrugallivin I wish I could run in to someone like him every week.

chefgreen2002 says:

@misslene Woohoo Nabisco

michellesfrugallivin says:

that is great. I want to run into that guy!

MizKarleneMarie says:

great haul! shout out to Nabisco!

LeeshCoupons says:

Girl you know I wants me some cookies! Great job

chefgreen2002 says:

@Brena1971 Thank You

chefgreen2002 says:

@towannalynn I know… Yay So happy about those q's

chefgreen2002 says:

@modelchickny Aren't those some cool q's? It was like the coupon fairy came to the store and visited me.

chefgreen2002 says:

@wahinepaddler4 I truly think I have more good couponing experiences rather than bad. So when I do have a bad one, it seems really bad. Lol

chefgreen2002 says:

@sadiekeilitz Those Sunburst tomatoes are yummy! It would be very exciting to have produce coupons.

chefgreen2002 says:

@29lawanna I absolutely love apparel q's. You just can't beat it.

Towanna lynn says:

amazing job girl! Yae

Sharon Garcia says:

Wow, that was awesome that he gave you all of those coupons! See, customers that coupon not only benefit the store's sales figures but also benefits the vendors that stock the store's shelves! Lol, makes me want to be a vendor stalker :). Just kidding but seriously, knowing the vendors have all of those coupons for products and the store doesn't take the time to put them out is really sad because it affects their commission. That is so sad!!!

modelchickny says:

Great coupons!

Leona Rodriguez says:

Awww….that was soo nice of him…for every bad theres a million more good that happens 🙂

Sadie Keilitz says:

I was at the groc store on Tuesday and had a similar experience. I was in the produce section and the vendor for Sunburst Tomatoes was there. She saw my coupon binder in the cart (open ofcousre) and said "Oh WOW you are so organized, would you like some coupons?" So ofcourse I said yes , please! She gave me 2 coupons for a free package of Sunburst Tomatoes! I was so excited because we never get produce coupons.. or very rarely do. Anyway.. great vid 🙂

29lawanna says:

great finds hun! 😉

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