Target Deal Shopping with Coupons (3/15-3/21)
Target Deals:
This week, we're back in action - my 92 year old grandmother, "Ma" and I. We head to Target to score some awesome coupon deals. Watch to see the *HOT* bargains we snag on apparel, razors and refills, Pringles, Planters nuts, Scott toilet paper and MORE...
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Target Deals:
This week, we’re back in action – my 92 year old grandmother, “Ma” and I. We head to Target to score some awesome coupon deals. Watch to see the *HOT* bargains we snag on apparel, razors and refills, Pringles, Planters nuts, Scott toilet paper and MORE…
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I am going to miss ma😥😢
aww i really miss nonna :(( ♡
92 Wow! Love granny!
What a trooper your grandmother is to go shopping at Target with you. She's still pretty sharp at 92! What state do you live in?
I wish would get more coupons to print per page. I print some coupons from their site and feel they could easily double the amount per page and save us all a lot on paper and ink!
Your mom is so cute!
Is there a limit to how many coupons total to use at Target? There's so much to it. 🙁
Keep doing the Target shopping hauls!! Love em!!! Love your MA!!! 🙂
R u going to make more videos I love watching the videos it helps
me alot
Anybody else see that money total at the end $491
Great video, Tell Ma I love, love, love her! If I had half her energy I would be doing good.
Great deals. I can't believe she is 92.
I hope Ma comes back soon! Thank you for your videos. The Hip2Save crew is awesome!
Hi.Great deals!We will miss mom.Love and hugs for her.Blessing.Thanks for sharing the video.Have a nice and happy week.
"I am not a farter"….love it. She is so cute
MA will be missed! God bless her and she will be back soon. thanks for sharing the info about the schick razors that was a sweet deal. nothing like getting back 2 target gift cards.
I've seen several of your videos and I LOVE THEM!!!! You've got a new loyal subscriber! It seems you make a weekly video. Please keep them up. Ma will be missed. Thumbs up!! TFS!!
I did the Garnier got paid over a dollar each transaction.
I'm gonna miss Ma! Waaahhh…sniff, sniff. Come back real soon!