TERA 101: Costumes & Fashion Coupons

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-Buy premium costumes either from EMP store, RNG loot from lootboxes, or buy off the broker directly
-Fashion coupons can be farmed by killing BAMs or using Instance Matchmaking (IMS) for guaranteed coupons.
-Farm BAMs at Scythera Fae (dracoliths or kumas) or at Habere (ice giants)


Have a question? Message me! IGN: Thoughtbound on Tempest Reach (NA/US) or leave a comment below.


amy pennefather says:

do you have to be lvl65 to get costumes?

hamad alkandari says:

wow fashion coupons sucks as fuk now a site cost 5k atleast and the coupons no near to even drop

Shupp says:

on eu costumes costs 5000 coupons

Rvin Macaraig says:

This is very informative thanks

wlsdl1120 says:

where can i find fashion stores?

Nick How says:

Sorry for bother, is Tera costume permanent ?? cause imma confusing some items written (7days) but costume does not written about the days or permanent

Ryan Espinoza says:

RIP fashion coupons from IM

AnoBananoSRO says:

Hey, I got a question about the "premium" costumes. I saw in the shop the "mafia" costumes or whatever it is called (black suit with gun on back etc.) and I saw on some people white and red color but the same costume. How do I change the color of the costume and can I change the color of every costume or only some?

nctrn07 says:

can i get guaranteed coupons from balders temple solo?

Tripfy - says:

Funny, on EU we have almost no skins for gunner, 3 crapy looking gun skins, 2 minecraft like skins and from armor, we don't even get shared skins for lancer/zerk, there are few of new skins which are literaly ugly.

Xtrem says:

on EU BAMS dont drop fashion coupons

Isaac says:

amazing videos, they are really helpful! keep em coming

ColaChampagne says:

I have no choice but to use fashiom coupons as an Amani female because all of the store fashions completely mutilate my feet and make them look human, which is gross.

faz_tc says:

keep the vids going man

TheeJP says:

Wanted to say i really enjoy your videos. I am a returning player have not played in almost 2 years. Friends that have never played joined me and now are hooked. These guides have really helped us out and i realized also you are on tempest reach. Thanks again and hope to maybe talk to you in game about other questions i have. look me up. voodoogunner or vudu.medic are my names. thanks again.

Emil Eie Eriksen says:

Loving the guides. I'm an old Tera player who recently began to play again, and your videos really help a lot. Keep up the good work ^.^

Webbie says:

Nice video yet again.

I wish they would improve this a bit and let you mix and match different armor pieces like before with the old remodeling system.  I had a really nice remodel mix of heavy armor on my Castanic and Elin zerkers but i can't do it with the new system because its all combined into one set.

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