The New swiffer mop is so cool! #amazon #amazonhome #speedclean #homecleaning #gadget #cleaning

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Stuff You Actually Need says:

Shop here ➡️

Margaret K says:

who pays you to advertise this garbage?
this is true cleaning idiocracy

Bane Aphromidite says:

Just get a woman.

Britt Tullos says:

Swifter is the most overrated mop technology in 20 years

Eric H says:

I had to press too many buttons to find a damn price. $30 though, not that bad.

Vee Harris says:

Whats the thing on your toilet seat

Brad Kendall says:

He said "homo" at the beginning

bre_stl says:

Scrub daddy mop works much better and costs less

Radio Behemoth says:

Bro, is that a Wooden Floor on your bathroom?

Brave man.

T Dawg says:

Ah so you were bought out by swiffer eh?

Prisci says:

Batteries is a no for me

KandyKate says:

I prefer my tineco wet dry vacuum mop

Delia Adolph says:

So why does your mop need batteries🤯

PJ Foltz says:

I refuse to pay for Swiffer stuff. It is expensive. I have a mop that I can buy microfiber pads to use and wash them so they can be used again and I can use my favorite cleaner in it.

Lauren Schenck says:

OMG! That swifter mop I need it!! ❤❤❤

Hood Views says:

garbage falls apart in days dnt buy might as well use an old sock

Melissa Hartinger says:

Can’t find this on Amazon! Can you please post a link? Thanks:)

H2amster 32 says:

i clean my floors with my black socks

steen niclas Ketwa says:

It will clean from the toilet into the kitchen😂😂😂 Directly

Egoy Goy says:

Whats with the battery?

Peter Alderson says:

Shorter shorts please

Stary moon 💫 says:

You should really name your echo voice in the backround

Veltoc says:

You should try a toaster s'more

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