The Simpsons predicts the closure of Toys R Us

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The Simpsons Predicts the Closure of Toys Я Us in the episode “Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays.” One of the girls is wearing a black funeral dress. Poor Milhouse, he’s absolutely devastated.


AWB Official says:

Meanwhile at Macy’s

Sharda Kitchen says:

I only love toy r us 0:32

baconhair says:

They did predict the future… they fixed the future

Fer Ahumada says:


Ngọc Huyền Nguyễn Thị says:

A woman saids: Let’s kill every child… friendly thing in town!
Me saids: Don’t say with adults to kill every child!

Nights of OceanFREEZicoldy #TitanicandTeamSeas says:

.. Toys Я Us, then Toys R Us.

Wishbone the Dog Fan says:

what's the song called

WindowsFan2022 says:

Why Fox, Why?

David B. The Pro-Fandom Militant #FandomLivesMater says:

My Reaction to The Twitter Logo Bird Being Replaced With an X Symbol : 0:29

Take Note : Don't Take This Comment Seriously.

Nico Torres says:

Could someone give me context of what’s going on here?

SuperWarioAdam /swa says:

0:30 is My reaction to the undertaker retiring

Michael Nellen says:

I don't get it. Why did the kids cry when Moe turn the "R" sign forward?😕

Lusitania (nomorerules34) [auttp] says:

Me and the boys destroy the whole earth

Octacle says:

Meanwhile at your local Macy’s

Landon the UP Railfanner & Phineas & Ferb Fan says:

Its time to put away childish things And Become A Man

random kenworth says:

Normal parents in ohio😂😂

Mario bro 64 says:

0:20 someone explain to me why the itchy & scratchy statue had blood in it

Dawn Parker says:


Bryan Jones says:

Time to take all the cell phones away so that nobody can shop or surf the web. If I were elected President, that would be my number one priority. Only big businessmen who are constantly on the road/traveling/flying would be allowed to have a cell phone strictly for talking business and negotiating deals. The fun/internet would only be available on laptops/chromebooks/tablets. Regular people would have pagers that would strictly be used for paging and texting. Online shopping would be outlawed for everyone unless they were purchasing something overseas or they were disabled. They would have to provide proof (such as a special code) they were disabled or residing in another country (give their residential address) before the websites would let them continue to the checkout. That would give new life to brick and mortar retail stores and resinstate payphones as well.

RapiTheFunnyGuy2014 says:

The y part got me dying laughing

RapiTheFunnyGuy2014 says:

I guess they would let McDonald's cancel happy meals

SonicStars says:

Toys “Я” Us

Vincent Nicklaus Balmes says:

0:12 name of the song pls

Ethan /Blue Fan says:

0:23 Я = 😁 0:27 R = 😭

JasminVlog says:

nooooooo my toy store logo r you stupid man

Blackjack The Bat says:

Milhouse’s reaction is a reference of the Weeping Frenchman in reaction of Germany’s occupation of France in 1940

Minerva Montes or Jaydens27 The Countryball says:

Don’t say Toy R Us Say Toy Я Us

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