Tutorial Photoshop CS4 – How to create a coupon cut line as pattern — Voice — Easy as 1.2.3

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Step by step Tutorial Photoshop CS4 – How to create a coupon cut in PhotoShop CS4 — Easy as 1.2.3


mlee2001 says:

Hi nice video! How do you make a splash star and insert text to be used on another picture please?

Pawndah says:

Lol this is shit

blackbeltbird says:

Awesome! Sooooo much better than how I was trying to make edges, and way quicker. Thank you!!!!

Corpse Circus says:

this is a lazy way to do this. be ashamed, and do it proper. this is not a true cut out line, only works on squares

Carol Moore says:

Thanks so much! Great tutorial.

Steven Webster says:

Great tutorial. Mastered in seconds, even using a really old version of PS

Andrew Hairetis says:

Thanks. Great tutorial!!

GynaffiT says:

What is the size of the document?

Yousee Ramos says:

Simple yet very helpful! thank you

kbld1 says:

Excellent instructions, but I can't make it work in CS6. Do you know if this can this be done in CS6?

Rochelle Buquet says:

Super helpful, clear and fast, thank you!

Catherine Cianciulli says:

Learned Lots from this!  Thanks!

Trishah Woolley says:

Thank you!  MUCH simpler than other methods I've tried!

Frieda Seruya says:

i am following your instructions to the T but define Patten is greyed out. can you explain why?

Erdal Uludag says:

There are millions of videos here, but never seen anybody who can be so clear and smooth. Excellent. Can you teach photoshop online I can pay you.

Dom Trussardi says:

I found this very frustrating because I'm still using Photoshop 7 and it didn't work.  Should it have worked?  I don't know…the options bar looked different and it just didn't work any which way.  I guess I should upgrade.

Rod Seller says:

Excellent tutorial. 

Natalie Ortiz says:

Thank you so much!  I had to create a coupon in Photoshop and I was struggling so much to make the cut line, but this helped me out immensely!  Thanks again. 

manolis papadadtonakis says:

how do i get fotoskop

Scott Strawhun says:

Fantastic.  Thank you.

Sarah Grezlik says:

Perfect! Exactly what I needed, and very easy to follow your directions.

Crystal Tiffany says:

Thanks a lot, it tried it for myself.  It worked perfectly for me.  Thanks again Nick!!!

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