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Say it… out loud… DISCOUNT CODE FOR OUR TWILIGHT COMMENTARY TRACKS!! Use “NETFLIX” at checkout for 20% off!

Yeah, we know: Twilight sucks. But so do vampires, if you think about it. And deep down, that’s what this is all about: sexy, sparkly vampires. Back in the day, I used to love Twilight: I read all the books, I went to see the movies at midnight, and I got millions of views on my reaction to the New Moon trailer. Now, just in time for Valentine’s Day, I’m inviting you to rewatch the entire Twilight Saga with me and Jacob, who has never seen any of them before. Does one of us love them and the other loathe them? Will you be Team Jacob or Team Eric?

This is an audio commentary ONLY. It is meant to be watched along with the movie so you can raise or lower the volume on the commentary or the movie itself as you wish.

#twilight #netflix #itsawolfthing


A_ Wav says:

Guys! please review the movie she's the man it's terrible!! it'll be great to hear yall shit on it lol

Jake Eller says:

Guys. Should I buy these commentaries?? Are they genuinely worth it? No hate on their product. I watch all their commentaries for free but I’ve been thinking about getting some for some more laughs.

TheKarlOshaughnessy says:

Are you guys ever doing Riverdale ? I need it in my life.

Pyralisis says:

You guys seriously need to watch American Vandal

Kristina Banevska says:

I live in Germany tho and I miss twilight I love twilight so much and I am crying right now idk why I can't help it

Adrian! says:

thanks for code

Alec Bradley says:

only good thing about Australian netflix, it's always been on there

Roos Hoogervorst says:

twilight has been on netflix for about 5/6 years here

Einas_xoxo says:

It’s already on my Netflix

divergent queen says:

they have always been on Netflix

Jade Taylor Marchant says:

Um i used to like this movie for now i realize its not the best

Mission4Ella says:

This was already out in Australia.

Leah herondale says:

Any one know if it's on UK Netflix I cba to check

Aleisha T says:

I finish university next week and I’m gonna binge SO many movies so I can listen to your voice overs!! Apparently starting with twilight!! 😂


Wait u guys do commentaries ?

Luana Cochrane says:

Boy don't ever say twilight sucks again. But ur vids are

NotShaggy _ says:

I thought u were saying that ur commentary tracks for twilight were on Netflix

Swaying Hydra says:

Plot twist, shes the vampire not him.

Dixie Normous says:

You guys should do Agent Cody Banks

Janhvy Verma says:

Love twilight saga
Forever 😍😍

TheMercilessElf28 says:

im ready to binge on twilight movies. and want to binge on attack on titan season 2 but it’s not on netflix. yet

percy says:


lady lalazarus says:

Damn, I have to rewatch your video. It's Twilight season again. It's been 10 years…TEN YEARS. Oh man.

Mufak Emin says:

It's been on Canadian Netflix for the past few months.

kaylee says:

I'm not even ashamed to admit my love of twilight (just barely including that Ew Moon trash) and the tracks are just pure gold

Marley J says:

Soooo when are you guys gonna do a video on jumper (2008)

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