Uk freebies and coupons 14th February 2015

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Promotion Code: HELLOFRESH
(Note you will be charged £10 plus £3.25 P&P for the February 2015 box and will receive a free box at random from past glossyboxes. Remember to cancel your subscription upon receipt of your February 2015 box and free box if you do not wish to carry on monthly subscription).


Hayley Knapp says:

Great video thanks fro the code just recived my 2 glossy boxes yesterday xx

Clairabelle says:

hey adam great video as always I have a quick question for you about the glossybox I subscribed after seeing your video using the code (thanks for that by the way) just checking my invoice and the code is  on it but it doesn't say anything about a second box do you know if that's right ? thanks

The Freebie Fairy says:

Great video, Hope you have an amazing time in Florida aswell 🙂 xx

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