Unlimited Target Digital Coupons – Very Extreme

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Ameena Fayz says:

or you can just make hella google voice numbers for free and get the texts there

sea says:

what if your plan already has unlimited text? i don't get it

SayWhat? says:

Damn what a scammer!! I hope he's not raising any children.

ktothejhaircare says:

So text the word over and over?? The tracfone actually receives different barcodes for each digital q?

easyspeaking2u says:

although this deal is over, could you explain how you can get multiples of the target mobile coupon from the same phone…plz that would be a  huge help for the newbies…

moneysavingnina says:

I am so doing this! After I buy this phone, I don't have to enroll in a monthly plan to get the 20 mites/70 free texts, right? I can activate it under a  different number than the one I already have? Thank you!

WI Saver says:

My Target told me all the cashiers have the coupon so you can just have them scan the $5 off coupon for you so it would be unlimited use that way and free.


well im an airhead, i tried doing it, mine dosnt work . i got it forward it to my iphone. tried texting again and it didnt work , what am i doing wrong?

gretoszka says:

Thank you so much Catalina! This helped me a lot! 🙂

gretoszka says:

Could someone explain please? I dont get how it would give different codes/coupons since the text would be coming from the same phone/number? Thanks!

gretoszka says:

Hello Everyone, this is my first time trying couponing. 🙂 Fingers crossed. Do I need a coupon to get the $4.99 price for the phone? If so which/where do I get it from? Thank you!

Fun Haulin & Deals says:


enbombas says:

Oh! I Need a guy like you! lol… Thanks for sharing.

sammy sam says:

Thank you for sharing this info.
If people dispose of their cheap phones, please donate them to their local hands against violence, or women's shelters. They use them for calling 911.
Extreme couponing has given me a whole new life into charity, win, win.

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