Upcoming Walgreens Coupon Deals (6/29-7/5)

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In this video, I share with you some of the best in-store deals that you’ll be able to score next week at Walgreens (6/29-7/5). Why am I sharing these deals early? Well, most of these deals require printable coupons and as you likely know, popular printable coupons never seem to stick around for long and that’s the reason for the video. So… watch the video first, then get your coupons printed and clipped (while they are available!) and you’ll be prepared for the deals next week! 🙂

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naturalandlovingit xoxo says:

hi collin my name is karen and i will start couponing this sunday 07/20/14. i feel nervous about this new adventure but it's a must for me. i am a student in nursing school and every penny count if you know what I'm saying lol. so my question is when do you video the up coming deal at the different locations so i can start my savings, I can't wait to get something free also i think your videos are great.

Deborah Trombetta says:


Sonya Jones says:

I found the Werther's coupons and got my chewy caramels! And I found $1.00 Nature Made coupons and got Vitamin D! Thank you!!

levimissy11 says:

please do kmart, walmart, dollar general like this video, my biggest score was when kmart had viva paper products on sale like 6 months ago,i just now had to buy more thanks for the work you do , it means so much !!!!!

Sonya Jones says:

I missed the Nature's Made and Werther coupons. 🙁

katie dugan says:

that 50pts for every $1 you spend on beauty… do you know if it's before coupons or after coupon total?

Adrienne Garcia says:

You are so darn cute!!

Denikka Collins says:

Is there a link to print the Haribo and Werther's coupons?

niurka garcia says:

Thank you for these videos Colin

Punkydory says:

Awesome video!  I was so scared to coupon at Walgreens, but you've made it easy to understand.  Thanks for keeping me motivated!  And, thanks for the public serve announcement on the Werthers, haha 🙂

Maggie Carr says:

where are the Werthers coupons?

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